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JEECUP 2024: Admit cards for UPJEE Polytechnic today

JEECUP 2024: The Joint Entrance Examination Council Uttar Pradesh or JEECUP will release admit cards for the Uttar Pradesh Joint Entrance Examination (UPJEE) Polytechnic today, March 10. Candidates can download it from the official website,, when released.
The UP Polytechnic entrance examination will be conducted from March 16 to March 22, 2024. The detailed schedule of all exam-related activities has been released on the official website.
In the Admit cards for UPJEE Polytechnic 2024, JEECUP will share the exact date, time and reporting time for the examination, among other details.
After the exam, answer keys will be released on March 27 and the objection window will be open till March 30. UPJEE Polytechnic results will be declared on April 8.
First, go to the official website,
Open the admit card download link given on the home page.
Enter your credentials and log in.
Check and download the UP Polytechnic admit card.
Check exam date and time, exam centre details, exam day instructions.
For further details, candidates can check the website
